
Abuchiq - The price of Bitcoin et al virtual currency (cryptocurrency) suddenly dropped. After several days of stabilization, the price of bitcoin collapsed more than 300 US dollars in just one hour. Slumping Bitcoin prices are followed by other cryptocurrency like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Ripple.

Bitcoin prices again fell 1,000 US dollars in just 24 hours. Not yet known the cause of the sharp decline in the price of virtual currencies. According to some analysts.

panic selling contributed to the fall in the price of Bitcoin and its lail. Panic selling is defined as a situation when investors make large-scale sales actions in a short time. In addition, the famous investment bank Goldman Sachs which dropped the cryptocurrency trading plan was also called the cause. Although both fell, the decline in Bitcoin prices was still quite good, namely 12 percent, compared to ethereum, ripple, bitcoin cash, and EOS which reached 20 percent. Some observers had predicted if the price of Bitcoin would positively rise again to reach the highest price in a month.

Oliver Isaacs had previously said that if the increase in bitcoin prices for a few days before the peak on Tuesday is a positive sign and would bring profits for the next few months. "The stability of Bitcoin prices that has increased over the past few days cannot be seen at this time, but I think it can be seen as a positive signal to bring more profit, especially for the next few months," he explained a few hours before the bitcoin price fell.

Slightly different from Isaacs, Matthew Newton, who became an analyst of eToro's online trading platform, saw the rise in Bitcoin prices at the beginning of the week not entirely a good sign. "The price of bitcoin might rise but it's still too early to call it a real (bitcoin and other) revival," he said. Nevertheless, he revealed that there would be many positive things about the future of cyptocurrency. "There is a lot of fundamental news about the development of cryptocurrency today," Newton added. To this day, the price of Bitcoin against the US dollar continues to decline and touches the number less than 7,000 US dollars.

"Harga Bitcoin et al mata uang virtual (cryptocurrency) tiba-tiba turun. Setelah beberapa hari stabilisasi, harga bitcoin runtuh lebih dari 300 dolar AS hanya dalam satu jam. Harga Bitcoin yang merosot diikuti oleh cryptocurrency lain seperti Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, dan Ripple.

Harga Bitcoin kembali turun 1.000 dolar AS hanya dalam 24 jam. Belum diketahui penyebab penurunan tajam harga mata uang virtual. Menurut beberapa analis.

penjualan panik berkontribusi pada jatuhnya harga Bitcoin dan lailnya. Penjualan panik didefinisikan sebagai situasi ketika investor melakukan aksi penjualan skala besar dalam waktu singkat. Selain itu, bank investasi terkenal Goldman Sachs yang menjatuhkan rencana perdagangan cryptocurrency juga disebut penyebabnya. Meski sama-sama jatuh, penurunan harga Bitcoin masih cukup bagus, yakni 12 persen, dibandingkan ethereum, riak, bitcoin tunai, dan EOS yang mencapai 20 persen. Beberapa pengamat telah memperkirakan jika harga Bitcoin akan naik secara positif lagi untuk mencapai harga tertinggi dalam sebulan.

Oliver Isaacs sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa jika kenaikan harga bitcoin selama beberapa hari sebelum puncak pada hari Selasa adalah tanda positif dan akan membawa keuntungan untuk beberapa bulan ke depan. "Stabilitas harga Bitcoin yang telah meningkat selama beberapa hari terakhir tidak dapat dilihat pada saat ini, tetapi saya pikir itu dapat dilihat sebagai sinyal positif untuk membawa lebih banyak keuntungan, terutama untuk beberapa bulan ke depan," jelasnya beberapa jam. sebelum harga bitcoin jatuh.

Agak berbeda dari Isaacs, Matthew Newton, yang menjadi analis platform perdagangan online eToro, melihat kenaikan harga Bitcoin di awal pekan tidak sepenuhnya merupakan pertanda baik. "Harga bitcoin mungkin naik tetapi masih terlalu dini untuk menyebutnya sebagai kebangkitan nyata (bitcoin dan lainnya)," katanya. Meskipun demikian, ia mengungkapkan bahwa akan ada banyak hal positif tentang masa depan cyptocurrency. "Ada banyak berita fundamental tentang perkembangan cryptocurrency hari ini," tambah Newton. Sampai hari ini, harga Bitcoin terhadap dolar AS terus menurun dan menyentuh angka kurang dari 7.000 dolar AS."

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